Philip Leifeld
Philip Leifeld

Praise for Software Projects

This page shows praise by users. It is generated with the praise function in texreg.

Research funders and employers increasingly ask for evidence of impact. Sometimes this is easy to measure, like the number of people cured by the invention of some medication. It is considerably more difficult to demonstrate impact of research software. texreg, for example, has > 10,000 downloads per month on CRAN alone, but I cannot see who the users are, what difference the software makes to their work, and where the users are distributed geographically. But I need to know these things to demonstrate the impact the software has.

To solve this problem, I have created the praise function in the texreg package. You should give it a try. The praise function accepts a minimum of three arguments: Are you an academic or non-academic user; what is the name of your organization; and can you share with us some general praise for texreg (in free-text form)? There are some optional additional details you can fill out as well. You should help us to document the impact of the software by using the function to submit your praise to this website. The praise you submit is shown below. I will point funders to this website and collate some quotes for reports. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us! Enjoy browsing the feedback!

Praise for texreg (received 05/07/2024 from Somerville)

Organization: UT Austin

User type: academic

General praise:
Texreg is an invaluable resource for up-and-coming academic researchers who need a quick and well-documented method for displaying results from our statistical analyses. It makes it easier for us to produce replicable science that looks publication-worthy. Especially for researchers in fields that use LaTeX, which is not user-friendly with regard to making tables, texreg is a huge time-saver.

Praise for texreg (received 17/06/2024 from Ann Arbor)

Organization: University of Michigan

Name: Katie Nissen

User type: academic

General praise:
This package has probably quarted the time I spend trying to format LaTex tables

How does the software increase your productivity?
As I said above, it has probably quarted the time I spend building tables for LaTeX. Even if I do custom formatting after I copy-paste the texreg output, it saves sooo much up-front time. Gamechanger for academic articles

When did you start using the software?
2021 probably

Where and how did you learn about the software?

Praise for texreg (received 26/04/2024 from Hanover)

Organization: University of Toronto

User type: academic

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
Finally Latex Tables for Mixed Models!

Praise for texreg (received 24/03/2024 from Wettingen)

Organization: Central Intelligence Agency

User type: non-academic

General praise:
OMG texreg is making my pants wet

Praise for texreg (received 12/02/2024 from Berlin)

Organization: University of Happy Tables

User type: academic

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
Man, I've never seen such pretty tables!

Praise for texreg (received 11/12/2023 from Ann Arbor)

Organization: University of Michigan

Name: Katie Nissen, Graduate Student, Department of Political Science

User type: academic

General praise:
This is a well-designed package that is super easy to use!

How does the software increase your productivity?
This package has saved me an incalculable amount of time... probably on the order of days. It does a great job creating tables and is far better than other options, like Stargazer, in my opinion.

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
My tables look far more professional now with less effort. It is also really helpful to view fixed effects models with this package because it's easy to suppress unimportant variables from view.

When did you start using the software?
Probably approximately late 2021 or early 2022

Where and how did you learn about the software?
Likely Stack Overflow

Which models or methods do you use in your work?
mostly linear models, but with wide variation since I am a graduate student and occassionally get asked to do odd stuff. Texreg has mostly served me with the normal stuff though... OLS, logit/probit, MLS, etc.

How many other users do you know?
I have told at least 2 people about it, who have since converted to users

Praise for texreg (received 15/07/2023 from Birmingham)

Organization: RC

User type: academic

General praise:

Praise for texreg (received 31/05/2023 from Cologne)

Organization: University of Cologne

User type: academic

General praise:
texreg is fast and its usage is consistent and easy to understand. It produces excellent output, especially when used with booktabs=T. No more manual editing of regression tables. I appreciate that texreg has substantial error checking.

Praise for texreg (received 31/05/2023 from Cologne)

Organization: University of Cologne

User type: academic

General praise:
texreg is fast and its usage is consistent and easy to understand. It produces excellent output, especially when used with booktabs=T. No more manual editing of regression tables. I appreciate that texreg has substantial error checking.

Praise for texreg (received 21/05/2023 from )

Organization: Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India-482004

Name: Gourav Kumar Vani, Assistant Professor (Agricultural Economics)

User type: academic

General praise:
Its really good to prepare regression tables with this package

How does the software increase your productivity?
It simplifies things and saves time

How does the software increase the quality of your work?

When did you start using the software?

Where and how did you learn about the software?
By self

Which models or methods do you use in your work?
OLS, time series econometrics, limited depenedent variable model, system of equations

How many other users do you know?
only me

Praise for texreg (received 12/04/2023 from Kharagpur)

Organization: IIT Kharagpur

Name: Christopher Kuruvilla Mathen

User type: academic

How does the software increase your productivity?
could convert pggls object to latex table when used with user written function. Saved time in getting formatted table

When did you start using the software?

Which models or methods do you use in your work?

Praise for texreg (received 27/03/2023 from Berkeley)

Organization: UC Berkeley

User type: academic

General praise:
Very useful

Praise for texreg (received 04/12/2022 from Kathmandu)

Organization: Tribhuvan University

Name: Vishnu Prasad Sapkota

User type: academic

General praise:
The package is pretty useful

How does the software increase your productivity?

How does the software increase the quality of your work?

Which models or methods do you use in your work?

Praise for texreg (received 12/11/2022 from Adelaide)

Organization: University of Adelaide

Name: Emiliano A. Carlevaro

User type: academic

General praise:
I'm amazed at how many option texreg allows for tables. The documentation is well written, to the point that in less than 30 minutes I wrote an extension to handle the ProbitSpatial::ProbitSpatial object. I'm certainly happy at how quickly I learnt how to use texreg but also how quickly I implemented it into my project with minimal changes to the code. texreg has changed my workflow since now instead of having many html or xlsx files holding the results sometime in cryptical ways I can quickly attach a table to the drat manuscript, and not only a table but a gorgenous table

How does the software increase your productivity?
It make me focus on the result and not on bloody latex syntax errors.

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
It certainly speeds up the process of looking at results and guiding the research. Also makes reproducible research faster

When did you start using the software?

Where and how did you learn about the software?
I think on of the R-blog

Which models or methods do you use in your work?

Praise for texreg (received 07/10/2022 from Beirut)

Organization: Lebanese University

User type: academic

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
Man, I've never seen such pretty tables!

Praise for texreg (received 03/10/2022 from Rochester)

Organization: University of Rochester

User type: academic

General praise:
It is fine

How does the software increase your productivity?
It makes making tables easier

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
it makes making tables easier

When did you start using the software?

How many other users do you know?

Praise for texreg (received 16/09/2022 from Chapel Hill)

Organization: UNC

User type: academic

General praise:
screenreg is great

Praise for texreg (received 18/07/2022 from Hsinchu)

Organization: National Taiwan University

User type: academic

General praise:
great regression table package which can be used in conjuction with estimatr. This is why this package is better than stargazer, especially for one who needs to use robust std error frequently.

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
plotreg is fantastic. auto plotting coef and conf interval is a good way to see the trend of some time-related coefs.

When did you start using the software?

Where and how did you learn about the software?
on DeclareDesign's (the project that provides estimatr package) page

Which models or methods do you use in your work?
lm_robust from estimatr

Praise for texreg (received 28/03/2022 from Essen)

Organization: University of Duisburg-Essen

Name: Eyayaw

User type: academic

General praise:
I found it more flexible than stargazer, the for example. stargazer does computation of pvalues when one provides a custom standard erros, but texreg does not. Also, looking at how crammed the source code of stargazer makes me question its reliability.

How does the software increase your productivity?
I would say it's flexible and well documented. Its custom map args are the pure apeal for me.

When did you start using the software?
A week ago. Mid of March 2022.

Where and how did you learn about the software?
Searched for alternatives for stargazer and landed in texreg github page/website.

Which models or methods do you use in your work?
For now, linear models, IV estimation.

How many other users do you know?
no one.

Praise for texreg (received 23/03/2022 from Stavanger)

Organization: University of Stavanger

Name: Carlo Michael Knotz

User type: academic

General praise:
"I cannot praise this package enough! Perhaps the best way to endorse this package is to point out that undergraduate students who have not much experience with statistics or R can use this package and produce results."

When did you start using the software?

Where and how did you learn about the software?

Which models or methods do you use in your work?
"lm() & glm(); lme4/lmerTest; plm()"

Praise for texreg (received 22/02/2022 from Panketal)

Organization: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Name: Julian Sagebiel

User type: academic

General praise:
It is a nice package. It would be great if there are options to pipe the output tables to flextable, modelsummary and kable, and a functionality to report robust se as in modelsummary would make this the perfect package to create regression tables

How does the software increase your productivity?

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
no, it just goes faster

When did you start using the software?

Where and how did you learn about the software?
internet search

Which models or methods do you use in your work?
models from the apollo package. I use createTexreg() first because there is no method available

How many other users do you know?

Praise for texreg (received 02/02/2022 from Chicago)

Organization: American Institutes for Research

Name: Sarah Peko-Spicer, Researcher

User type: non-academic

General praise:
First of all, I love the praise() function. I haven't seen this before and it is such a lovely idea and a great way to support one another. I started using this package a few months ago for one project I've been working on where we meet weekly and I often need to share out on a LOT of model results. I have primarily been using the screenreg() function which is intuitive and makes it quite easy to generate model tables prior to meetings and even in real time, which is important for my work.

How does the software increase your productivity?
It has saved a considerable amount of time in regard to generating model tables for internal reporting. For the tables that I usually put together, it could take anywhere from 20-40 minutes to get everything just right prior to using texreg. Now, they are tables I can generate in 2-3 minutes. I still fiddle a bit with table formatting (mostly because I'm using screenreg and .txt files are always a bit of a formatting nightmare).

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
screenreg has really helped my team compare multiple models at once. I haven't tried plotreg and now I'm eager to!

When did you start using the software?
I started using texreg about a month or two ago.

Where and how did you learn about the software?
I was perusing a colleague's script and noticed it was one of the libraries they were calling.

Which models or methods do you use in your work?
Hierarchical models, linear and non-linear. So, using lme4, lmer, glmmTMB, and the like.

How many other users do you know?
I know of at least 2 other folks who are using texreg, but am certain that they picked it up from other people at AIR. I have no sense of how many users here there are.

Praise for texreg (received 03/01/2022 from )

Organization: University of Göttingen

Name: Chris-Gabriel Islam

User type: academic

General praise:
I use it for moving regression tables to LaTeX and additionally I send textfiles of explorative regression to my co-authors for observation

How does the software increase your productivity?
I save a lot of time by using screenreg and texreg

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
I avoid making mistakes by moving the tables to my latex documents

When did you start using the software?

Where and how did you learn about the software?
Google search

Which models or methods do you use in your work?
linear, logit, count data model.response()

How many other users do you know?
only me

Praise for texreg (received 25/11/2021 from Frankfurt am Main)

Organization: Goethe University Frankfurt

Name: Felix Holub

User type: academic

General praise:
Fantastic packages that is super flexible and saves me a lot of time!

How does the software increase your productivity?
I do not have to streamline my tables from different pacakges ex post by point and click. I always get the exact Latex Table I want!

When did you start using the software?
Fall 2021

Where and how did you learn about the software?

How many other users do you know?

Praise for texreg (received 29/10/2021 from Washington)

Organization: The National Police Foundation

User type: non-academic

How does the software increase your productivity?
The only way I've found to efficiently produce regression tables from multiple imputation models

Praise for texreg (received 14/09/2021 from Chandler)

Organization: University of Happy Tables

User type: academic

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
Man, I've never seen such pretty tables!

Praise for texreg (received 20/08/2021 from Pittsburgh)

Organization: West Virginia University

Name: Dr Adam Nowak

User type: academic

General praise:
It is bery easy to use and very helpful for Latex tables

How does the software increase your productivity?
Latex tables

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
Easier to automoate Latex table creation

When did you start using the software?

Which models or methods do you use in your work?

How many other users do you know?

Praise for texreg (received 11/08/2021 from Berlin)

Organization: Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Name: Maximilian Hinse

User type: academic

General praise:
I really enjoy using texreg(). Thank you for the development.

Which models or methods do you use in your work?
Mostly linear models and multilevel models

Praise for texreg (received 05/07/2021 from Frankfurt am Main)

Organization: University of Konstanz

Name: Frederik Gremler

User type: academic

General praise:
Great package! Also love that is easy extend texreg for new models

How does the software increase your productivity?
Saves time and effort making publication-level regression tables (as well as updating them) by automatic write to file -> inclusion in tex files via \input()

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
E.g. screenreg is a great way to compare models

When did you start using the software?

Where and how did you learn about the software?
Internet search

Praise for texreg (received 05/07/2021 from Dongguan)

Organization: University of Happy Tables

User type: academic

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
Man, I've never seen such pretty tables!

Praise for texreg (received 24/06/2021 from Knoxville)

Organization: university of tennessee

Name: yuanyang liu

User type: academic

General praise:

How does the software increase your productivity?
easy regression results table for latex

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
regression results latex table

When did you start using the software?

Where and how did you learn about the software?
2016, selflearned

Which models or methods do you use in your work?
linear models

Praise for texreg (received 08/06/2021 from Mannheim)

Organization: University of Happy Tables

User type: academic

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
Man, I've never seen such pretty tables!

Praise for texreg (received 06/06/2021 from Singapore)

Organization: London School of Economics and Political Science

User type: academic

General praise:
The texreg package strikes the right balance between out-of-box ease of use and extensibility.

How does the software increase your productivity?
texreg saves lots of time compared to major alternatives like stargazer thanks to its many extract functions.

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
texreg's plotreg function is great for presentations. I really like that it produces a ggplot, which makes it easy to further customize the plot.

When did you start using the software?
Since around 2018 probably

Where and how did you learn about the software?

Which models or methods do you use in your work?
linear models, ERGM

How many other users do you know?

Praise for texreg (received 08/05/2021 from Bogotá)

Organization: Universidad de los Andes

Name: Jorge Alejandro Ortiz - Research Assistant at CEDE

User type: academic

General praise:
It is amazing! crazy useful not only provides the best visualization it is also easy to to use and comprehensive!

How does the software increase your productivity?
It makes formatting very simple, saves a lot of time in formatting when exporting results and also helps to understand and communicate results from within RStudio

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
It does generate more professional looking tables, it also helps with communication as the format can be manipulated to fit different contexts meaning you can show people results in a manner that they are personally more used to when.

When did you start using the software?

Where and how did you learn about the software?
StackOverflow, wasn’t easy and SO is a dark place but I am glad I found it. Would have loved to know about it sooner.

Which models or methods do you use in your work?
glm, probit, logit, dif-in-dif, iv

How many other users do you know?

Praise for texreg (received 16/03/2021 from Hsinchu)

Organization: national chiao tung university


User type: academic

General praise:

How does the software increase your productivity?

How does the software increase the quality of your work?

When did you start using the software?

Where and how did you learn about the software?

Praise for texreg (received 16/03/2021 from Hsinchu)

Organization: nycu

User type: academic

General praise:

How does the software increase your productivity?

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
fast and easy

When did you start using the software?
just now

Where and how did you learn about the software?
in class

Which models or methods do you use in your work?

How many other users do you know?

Praise for texreg (received 02/03/2021 from Agadir)

Organization: University of Happy Tables

User type: academic

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
Man, I've never seen such pretty tables!

Praise for texreg (received 16/02/2021 from Tal Shahar)

Organization: BGU

Name: Jennifer Oser

User type: academic

General praise:
Way to go!

How does the software increase your productivity?
Thanks for the table

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
My table is nice

When did you start using the software?

How many other users do you know?

Praise for texreg (received 10/12/2020 from Oxford)

Organization: University of Oxford

Name: Mark Fransham

User type: academic

General praise:
The recent updates to texreg, especially the knitreg function, are excellent - not having to switch functions to get the correct output is a massive bonus, and it really helps with teaching students. They can see a table in the console and get the same table in LaTeX without having to switch around. This is excellent for beginners as they can quickly produce a regression table with the output from multiple models, and get on with the business of interpreting it without having to spend a long time creating the table in the first place. It is a big time saver for students and experienced researchers alike; and a very quick win in selling to students the benefit of using R Markdown as an automated reporting tool for both transparency and accuracy of reporting.

How does the software increase your productivity?
It has saved me many hours of table creation, and will save many hours more in the future. In teaching, it has saved students time in creating regression tables, meaning that they can spend their time learning how to interpret them instead.

When did you start using the software?

Where and how did you learn about the software?
internet search

Which models or methods do you use in your work?
lm, glm, plm, lme4

How many other users do you know?

Praise for texreg (received 25/11/2020 from )

Organization: University of Happy Tables

User type: academic

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
Man, I've never seen such pretty tables!

Praise for texreg (received 13/11/2020 from Liverpool)

Organization: University of Glasgow

Name: David McArthur

User type: academic

General praise:
I really like this package. It makes good looking tables quickly and easily. I was also impressed with how easy it was to inlcude robust standard errors and p-values.

How does the software increase your productivity?
I often use the package when I want to compare multiple model specifications. It makes it much easier to see what is going on. It's also very quick to use.

When did you start using the software?
I have been using the package since about 2017.

Which models or methods do you use in your work?
I mostly use the package for lm and plm objects.

Praise for texreg (received 25/09/2020 from Oak Park)

Organization: University of Illinois at Chicago

User type: academic

How does the software increase your productivity?
Texreg is incredibly useful! I have a habit of entering all of my data into tables by hand, so this saves me a HUGE amount of time. Thank you!

Praise for texreg (received 01/09/2020 from Loughton)

Organization: University of Happy Tables

User type: academic

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
Man I've never had such pretty tables!

Praise for texreg (received 28/07/2020 from Harwich)

Organization: University of Sussex

User type: academic

General praise:
Texreg is possibly the most intuitively designed and accessible package for early-career researchers and academics. It's hard to think of what I used to create journal quality tables, report and verify results and contrast statistical models. I have highly recommended it to my undergrad class to adopt in their own work. Kudos to the developers for a much needed reporting tool that quickly becomes second-nature to use!

How does the software increase your productivity?
Absolutely! It has speeded up my workflow, allowing me to skip the tedious task of copy/pasting results into tables, messing about with the formatting and avoid making silly errors. I find it greatly helps with compiling results and making sure I adopt the best fitting models without relying on memory, scribbled notes, comments etc. On average, texreg has saved me a few hours during data analysis, writing and formatting process.

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
I use screenreg to primarily compare the results of multiple models immediately and incorporate this process into my workflow without needing to switch back and forth between modelling, reporting or writing up the results. Texreg tables are of superior quality compared to manually created tables and the package makes knitting code and tables into LaTex as smooth as possible. I enjoy the ease of using plotreg but prefer ggplot2 for the aesthetic quality/range of options.

When did you start using the software?
mid-2018/early 2019

Where and how did you learn about the software?
I heard about it from a colleague

Which models or methods do you use in your work?
mostly logreg and mixed effects, some survival models and recently ergm/tergm models

How many other users do you know?
perhaps 5-10 in the department at a guess

Praise for texreg (received 10/07/2020 from Reseda)

Organization: University of California, Los Angeles

User type: academic

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
Avoid copy-paste errors or wondering when something was last updated!

Which models or methods do you use in your work?
lfe (felm)

How many other users do you know?

Praise for texreg (received 07/07/2020 from Oberursel)

Organization: Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham Business School

Name: Theodore Alysandratos, Research Fellow in Behavioural/Experimental Economics

User type: academic

How does the software increase your productivity?
texreg makes it easier to create tables for publications in both word and latex formats. It allows me to spend more time on the bits of the research that matter more.

When did you start using the software?
July 2020

Where and how did you learn about the software?
Googling for a stargazer replacement

Which models or methods do you use in your work?
OLS, GLM, panel data (plm, pglm)

Praise for texreg (received 19/06/2020 from Exeter)

Organization: University of Glasgow

Name: Dr Claudia Zucca

User type: academic

General praise:
Everyone doing stats needs to print tables. texreg supplies easy and flexible solutions for popular market demands. That's why it is so successful.

How does the software increase your productivity?
Making tables is relatively easy. Making them pretty is tough. texreg does this for me, and I can focus on the contents :)

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
The hardest thing for a newbie it's to identify what to put in a table for a specific class of models (errors, confidence intervals, GOF...). texreg does that for you, and everyone can look like a pro!!

Praise for texreg (received 29/05/2020 from Greenwich)

Organization: University of Essex

Name: Philip Leifeld

User type: academic

General praise:
I am the author of the texreg package. It's a fun project to work on. Also, you should contribute through bug fixes and development, praise, or by becoming a patron! See

How does the software increase your productivity?
The package saves me an incredible amount of time when I write articles. (I also spend a lot of time developing it, so it's probably a negative balance overall, but still...

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
texreg allows me to compare multiple models side-by-side as a more useful replacement of the summary function. Makes me build better theories.

When did you start using the software?
I started using the package in 2012 (when I created it).

Which models or methods do you use in your work?
Dealing mostly with ergm and other network models.

How many other users do you know?
I meet texreg users every time I give a talk somewhere. It's amazing how many users we have!

Praise for texreg (received 25/03/2019 from Glasgow)

Organization: University of Glasgow

User type: academic

How does the software increase the quality of your work?
Makes formatting tables so easy it feels like a cheat code!